1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die: 23. The Dave Brubeck Quartet – Time Out (1959)
Still going strong with the jazz recommendations. And surely every man and his dog has heard “Take Five”, which seems to have been used as part of themes and incidental music since, well, since 1959 probably.
Brubeck’s style is “cool” jazz, but this album is notable for playing with unusual time signatures (the 5/4 of Take Five for example), as well as punning in the titles. I see what you did with the album title too, Dave.
There are some great, interesting, tracks on here – the famous Take Five, for one, and Blue Rondo a la Turk, and Kathy’s Waltz (which isn’t a waltz until the end). Others feel less innovative – Three To Get Ready sounds like a retread of Take Five, pretty much, but without the clear clarinet hook or the central drum break. Overall though it’s pretty good.
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