
Showing posts from July, 2023

Dr. Simon Reads Appendix N Part Fifteen: Fritz Leiber

Dr. Simon Reads Appendix N Part Fifteen: Fritz Leiber This is a sporadic feature, in which I explore classic fantasy and science fiction works as recommended in the original Dungeon Masters Guide. By now, I’d hope you know what the whole “Appendix N” thing is about, but if not, I refer you back to the first in the series where I look at the works of Poul Anderson. This time around, I have reached the works of: Fritz Leiber First, a note. The next author should be Sterling Lanier, but his works are currently very hard to get hold of, so I’ve skipped over him but left him a place at Number 14 should I ever be able to get hold of him. Luckily, there’s only really one book, Heiro’s Journey, so perhaps one day. Back to Fritz Leiber. Born in Chicago, 1910, and died in 1992 in San Francisco, Leiber was an actor as well as a writer, a lay preacher, and a graduate in psychology and physiology (like me! Well, not the lay preacher bit, and I've only done a tiny bit of acting).