
Showing posts from June, 2024

Dr Simon Reads Appendix N Part Eighteen: Michael Moorcock

Dr. Simon Reads Appendix N Part Eighteen: Michael Moorcock   This is a sporadic feature, in which I explore classic fantasy and science fiction works as recommended in the original Dungeon Masters Guide. By now, I’d hope you know what the whole “Appendix N” thing is about, but if not, I refer you back to the  first in the series  where I look at the works of Poul Anderson. This time around, I have reached the works of:   Michael Moorcock   The first Englishman we have encountered in our journey through Appendix N, and also the first who is (at the time of writing) still alive.  Moorcock is exemplary of the “New Wave” of fantasy fiction, rather than the mostly “Golden Age” authors that we’ve largely had so far (there are a few who are a bit more modern- Anderson, Bellairs and Farmer, certainly). He’s an author that I was aware of for a very long time, and oddly managed to absorb a lot about his works through tangential things like the music of Hawkwind or the art of Rodney Matth