Dr. Simon Reads Appendix N Part Twenty: Andrew J Offutt

Dr. Simon Reads Appendix N Part Twenty : Andre w J Offutt This is an ongoing sporadic series, in which I explore classic fantasy and science fiction works. Appendix N is the bibliography of Gary Gygax's original Dungeon Masters Guide, and lists a range of classic SF and fantasy authors that influenced his interest in the fantastical. See the first part of this series for more information. Andre w J Offutt This is a bit of a w ei rd entry to the bibliography, since Offutt’s suggested work is as an editor of Swords Against Darkness III, the third (obviously) in a series of anthologies. The first seems to be entirely stories featuring Conan by people who aren’t Robert E Howard , volume three is a collection of thirteen short stories, a poem, and an essay, written by other authors. Two of whom appear in this series – Poul Anderson and Manly Wade Wellman. Two others I’ve heard of, but don’t appear in Appendix N – Tanith Lee and Robert Vardeman. The rest I do...