Dr. Simon Reads Appendix N Part Seventeen: A Merritt

Dr. Simon Reads Appendix N Part Seventeen: A Merritt This is an ongoing sporadic series, in which I explore classic fantasy and science fiction works. Appendix N is the bibliography of Gary Gygax's original Dungeon Masters Guide, and lists a range of classic SF and fantasy authors that influenced his interest in the fantastical. See the first part of this series for more information. This time around, I have reached the works of: A Merritt Abraham Grace Merritt, known as A Merritt, was born in New Jersey in 1894, died in Florida in 1943 of a heart attack. Merritt worked primarily as a journalist, bringing in good pay, and the novel writing was more of a sideline for him. He enjoyed travel (which explains the globe-trotting nature of his stories) and collected plants associated with rituals and magic (which is probably why his protagonist Goodwin, from some of the stories, is a botanist by trade). His biography paints him as a benevolent eccentric, a collector ...