Dr. Simon Reads Appendix N Part Sixteen: HP Lovecraft

Dr. Simon Reads Appendix N Part Sixteen: HP Lovecraft This is an ongoing sporadic series, in which I explore classic fantasy and science fiction works. Appendix N is the bibliography of Gary Gygax's original Dungeon Masters Guide, and lists a range of classic SF and fantasy authors that influenced his interest in the fantastical. See the first part of this series for more information. This time around, I have reached the works of: HP Lovecraft Howard Philips Lovecraft is one of the handful Appendix N authors who I think will require no introduction to most people familiar with fantastic fiction. Arguably the Father of Weird Fiction (with Dunsany being the Fun Uncle of Weird Fiction) much of Lovecraft’s inventions have found their way into the general consciousness, up to plushy Cthulhus, and one of the few authors in this list to have had their name turned into an adjective (I’d say also Dunsanian, Tolkienesque and possibly Moorcockian could be added to Lovecraftian). ...