Fiend Factory 5E. White Dwarf 30: The Stirge Demon
I ssue 30 Stirge Demon The Fiend Factory this issue is titled “ In Good(?) Company ”, and is loosely themed around creatures that are either companion beasts, or have companion beasts. But before that, there’s a scenario by Phil Masters called “ The Curse of the Wildland ”, which is a compact little low-level wilderness quest based around seven or so encounter areas with a mix of combat, roleplaying and exploration. It also features a phung, so you can use the one that I statted up for Issue 18 (you’re welcome), and one unique monster, the Hsiao. I did a quick search, and it looks like there is a Hsiao for 5 th Edition, but it’s an intelligent owl, rather than this hybrid creature. It’s a fun little monster, though, and one I may come back to as a bonus. Onto the Fiend Factory proper, and first up we have the Weresnake , by Cas Liber. (Actually, second. The first monster is the one I’m going to convert in this instalment). It’s a pretty simple addition to the ranks of lyc...