Fiend Factory 5e: White Dwarf Issue 9, The Whipper
Issue 9: The Whipper White Dwarf Issue 9’s Fiend Factory starts with Cricky Hitchcock’s Svart , a blue-skinned small humanoid creature, described as “ mediary between goblins and kobolds ”. I don’t know if that’s meant to mean that they are related to both, which seems an odd thing since the kobolds are reptilian creatures, or if they are meant to be a bit tougher than a kobold but weaker than a goblin. Either way, they seem pretty pointless as they don’t really offer anything that you couldn’t use a goblin or a kobold for. Don Turnbull reckons that they were inspired by the svart-alfar of the Wierdstone of Brisingamen, which itself only really uses elements of Norse folklore. But my recollection of the book is that the “ maggot-brood of Ymir ”, as they get colourfully called, could be rendered in game mechanics as simple goblins. The svarts make an appearance in Albie Fiore’s excellent dungeon adventure, The Lichway, also published in this issue (suggesting that Albie had a litt...